Thursday, January 15, 2009

More Prophecies

My life just keeps getting worse by the days. I just came home after a horrific visit from the Weird Sisters. (See the picture? Yeah, that's them- creepy right? I had no idea what they were up to at the time.) The weather was awful- rain, thunder and lightning. I needed more information about my future- and the witches were the ones I could talk to. Those imperfect speakers! They call themselves witches- who can make predictions- yet they suck! They can't even describe a proper prediction. All they give are vague images. So, I demanded to talk to their "masters"- the true evil. Although, I received three prophecies, which are bothering me at the moment.

The witches threw some pieces of dead creatures in their cauldron, and did some freaky chanting. Soon, an apparition appeared. I was startled- but only a little- I kept my cool and was brave. After all- I'm the King. The first apparition was an armoured head, which warned "Beware Macduff, beware the Thane of Fife". Ha! That traitor! I knew it! I knew he was up to something the moment he decided not to attend my banquet. He should better keep his nose out of this- it's none of his business! I hope Banquo did not give away any information about the incident with the witches... or maybe he did...what if the fiend, Macduff, forced Banquo to reveal what he saw? That's it. I'm going to kill that guy before he could plot anything.

The second prophecy confused me. It was an apparition of a bloody child, that stated "none of woman born shall harm Macbeth". That's wonderful :) . Looks like I am undefeatable. Nobody can harm me! Everyone is woman-born. But, I'm not letting Macduff get away. I'll find a way to destroy that traitor.

The third apparition- which I find funny, was a crowned child with a tree in its hand- yeah, it's weird. It said that I could not be defeated "until Great Birnam wood comes to Dunsinane". That is just hilarious :D - trees can't move! Yeah right, as if the whole forest is going to get up off its roots and come for a visit to my castle. Then what? The trees will kill me? LOL!

The withces still haven't given me a clear prediction. They never do. Curse them...and curse Macduff too. I later received a message that the coward ran away to England. If he wanted to kill me, then he should have fought me like a man. Now he just ran away to hide like a little baby. He's not getting away with this. I'm going to kill his family, and any other mindless loser that follows in his footsteps. From now on, I'll be alert and be on my toes. I'll act on impulse- I can follow my instincts. I'm indefeatable- what could harm me anyway? I will still keep my wits about- there is nobody to trust.

Banquo's Ghost

I just can’t believe what happened today at the banquet. I was glad to know that Banquo is dead, but I must keep an eye on Fleance. He might avenge me one day but I don’t have to worry about it now. Not even a bit. During the banquet, I saw a frightening creature. It was a ghost, not just any ordinary ghost, but Banquo’s ghost with blood dripping from all the twenty deep gashes that my murderers gave him. I have no words to explain my feelings. My heart started to beat like a drum and beads of sweat dripped down my face. I felt like my heart was going stop beating any second soon. Not only that, he was sitting on my place! Is this supposed to mean death for me?

Banquo’s ghost started to move toward me. I would not have been afraid, if Banquo took any other form. It was the horrible sight of the blood dripping face that scared the hell out of me. The sight is still in my eyes. I don’t think I can ever sleep again. My wife was upset with my reaction, but I just can’t explain what I saw and she wouldn't believe me. I was frustrated when she asked if I was a man. It was this same question of hers that made me kill Duncan. Who would not react if they saw a ghost, especially like the picture above with blood dripping down to the ground?

I wonder how I looked in front of all the guests. It would have seemed as if I had a split personality. My wife told them that I was often like this from my childhood. What would they think about me now? Wouldn’t they think I am not fit to be the King of Scotland? My reactions might have made my guests suspicious. How stupid can I be? I have murdered the trustworthy King and my close friend Banquo to become what I am today, the King of Scotland, and now I was almost going to ruin everything. I just can’t decide if Banquo’s ghost was my imagination, like the dagger from before, or if it was in fact real, but one thing I know for sure…danger is fast approaching my throne.


After Killing Duncan...

It was absolutely horrific! There are no absolute words that have described what I have just done.
Was killing the King for my own good? Did I want to gain dominance over Scotland that bad? Was it worth taking one good man’s life? As I had plunged my dragger though him, I knew that there was no turning back. The only thing that had been surging through my mind was the adrenaline that my body had gone through Come on; kill him fast before anybody catches me, those were the only thoughts that had surged though my mind while I was killing Duncan.
Why did I ever listen to my wife, did she just tell me to kill King Duncan because she wanted to do it herself but couldn’t dare do the deed herself? Did she really care about me gaining dominance over Scotland? Is she using me? Is she trying to deceive me?!
Oh for goodness sake! She is my wife! I know that she is capable of standing by my side for all and eternity. After all, she did help me plan the murder of King Duncan…

Confused and panicking...

These past few hours have been the most confusing of my entire life. I tremble from head to toe when I think of the deed that has been set upon me. No... the dead that has been forcefully heaved upon me. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard those hateful words pour out of my beloved wife's mouth. Kill the rightful king? Kill my king? Kill King Duncan? Jeez! I'm not stupid; when I arrived home from battle, I could almost hear the gears of murder clicking in my lady's head. I felt so ridden with guilt that I could barely swallow with my king sitting right across from me at dinner. He looked at me with pride and said all this good stuff about me, that I was the greatest warrior of all time (yeah, I kind of am), and that I was a pleasure to have as subject.

If only I could resist my wife's words weaving around me like a spider web (I'm in a situation that is similar to the giant spider Shelob attacking Frodo in Lord of the Rings in the picture above). Then she questioned my manliness! Ha! Does she not know that I have skewered the enemy and sliced off their heads as if they were mere vegetables? That my knees never, ever shook with fear when blood poured from them like a great waterfall? Although that should not be compared to killing my king! My king is not my enemy; I am his servant! When it comes to killing your innocent master, my lady is much more of a man than I am. Oh, if only those horrid witches hadn't made those prophesies.

But they say that I am to be king! King! Can you believe it? King Macbeth! It could be worth it. A golden crown, a scepter, everyone following your command... There are benefits. I do not want to kill Duncan. (It feels silly to call him my king when I will soon kill him). But I want the crown very badly. I also know that I am definitely going to follow my lady's commands; thinks that she has already convinced me and will probably murder me along with Duncan if she finds that I am still uncertain. I will go now. Wish me luck, everyone.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Welcome to my blog...

I am Macbeth, now Thane of Cawdor, wed to my lovely wife, Lady Macbeth, best friend of the honourable Banquo. I am writing my first post in jubliation, as I have led my king's troops on to defeat the traitor Macdonawald and defended Scotland against Sweno, the King of Norway. It was a bloody battle... and it was totally awesome! I skewered a whole bunch of the bad guys, and King Duncan was so proud of me that he gave me the title Thane of Cawdor. Oh yeah!